Questions and Answers
We can substantiate this claim with numerous screenshots . In addition, our customers confirm with video testimonials the ranking of their websites on Google’s 1st page in just a few minutes.
We only do what Google expects according to"Introduction to Search Engine Optimization".
We appear ourselves on the front of Google 1st page with relevant keywords, sometimes even with a few positions or URLs (under
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SEO Optimierung Zürich
Suchmaschinenoptimierung Zürich
SEO Agentur Zürich
In general, yes. Nevertheless, there is no guarantee of that. Sometimes it takes hours or even days. In rare cases, it may take 1 to 2 weeks for the post or video to make it to Google’s 1st page.
A professional copywriter creates an article with 3 exact search terms that we have previously agreed with our client. This article contains about 1,000 words and at least 4 relevant images that the customer can provide to us. After completion, he first checks whether all statements are consistent. Only then do we start the optimization for Google, which means nothing else other than that the finished article takes into account as many ranking factors as possible.
We create videos that are similar to a kind of PowerPoint presentation (about 1.5 minutes long). It contains pictures, short texts and music. The visual representations do not really matter to Google. But with this there is the video description, the text below the video. Overall, it is an abbreviated version of the post.
If available, we also can use your own videos.
A video can be helpful to rank your article on Google's 1st page.
Your existing website will not be optimized by us. Nevertheless, it could someday make it on Google’s 1st page. One explanation for this could be that our articles and videos carry your existing page along, so to speak. That is not controllable.
It is possible, but it can be very difficult. Such an optimization would make little sense because a single word search is not specific. "Auto" -What? (buy, sell, rent, repair, clean, import, insurance, etc.). With a single term, you could be able to register numerous visitors to your website, but they would not be qualified, because they cannot find what they actually need.
This is true. However, it is about qualified leads (campaigns, prospects, customers) who are looking for exactly what they need. If your product or service is the right solution to the customer's problem, they will most likely buy.
In this case, our offer is not the right one for your wishes.
It is impossible to answer this question.
There is no fixed period for this. Your article and / or the video will remain on the 1st page as long as Google finds it relevant to the search term . The competition also plays a role here, and they certainly are not asleep. In addition, new websites that are very well optimized can always appear.
Google's goal is always good and up-to-date information. It is therefore advisable to regularly post new and useful content. This reduces the likelihood that your website will eventually disappear from the 1st page.
Among other things, it is about Google E-A-T:
Expertise, Authority, Trustworthiness
Information about BERT.
Placing on Google’s 1st page is a prerequisite for more inquiries, more sales. However, no guarantee can be given for more sales. A too expensive or bad product could be unlikely to sell despite being on the first page. In this case, other advertising measures would not work either.
We do not offer paid ads (Google AdWords).
We don't buy backlinks.
The Google 1st page ranking using AdWords is purely a financial decision. This is paid advertising. Content quality is not an issue here. If you do not pay, you may not be able to achieve the top ranking.
The 1st page ranking achieved thanks to SEO is well deserved. Only the content decides the top rank in the results list.
But for a brand you need expertise, authority, trustworthiness (Google EAT). With AdWords there is no fire. Achieving a permanent online presence with plenty of relevant and useful content should be the aim of every website operator. This is the only way to spark customer interest.
Under no circumstances should AdWords be badly talked about here. For example, for sales periods it can work very well. However, if the AdWordscampaign is set to inactive, the ad will no longer be visible. The one-time SEO investment, however, secures the Google 1st page ranking (see question 14).
The ideal case would be the combination of AdWords und SEO.
I could never give you a guarantee for Google’s 1st page. I am not part of this search engine and do not set the conditions. If I gave you a guarantee, I would probably have major problems with Google. If you are unsure: Take a look at my customers /references. They all can be found on Google's 1st page. That is the greatest possible security that I can give you.
Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von YouTube.
Mehr erfahren
Erfahren Sie auf alles über Suchmaschinenoptimierung. SEO Spezialisten können Ihr Google Ranking verbessern.
Wollen Sie Ihre Homepage für Suchmaschine optimieren? Eine digital Marketing Agentur hilft Ihnen dabei, dank der SEO Beratung. Sie kriegen die SEO Optimierung in Rekordzeit. Sie erhalten Suchmaschinenoptimierung Tipps bezüglich Online Marketing für KMU.
Es gibt viele online Marketing Firmen. Für digital Marketing in Zürich kontaktiert man unser SEO Experte. Cinnix Beratung, eine online Marketing Agentur in Zürich zeigt Ihnen Grundlagen der Suchmaschinenoptimierung.
Ist Ihr Homepage Ranking noch nicht hoch genug? Will man eine Webseite für Google optimieren? Professionelle Beratung bezüglich Suchmaschinenoptimierung bekommt man von einer SEO Agentur.
Als online Marketing Unternehmen können wir Ihre Google Platzierung optimieren. Bei Google auf Seite 1 bringt Sie unser SEO Experte.
Die Google Optimierung stellt ein wichtiges Thema bei KMUs dar. Jeder fragt sich, wie komme ich bei Google nach vorne oder wie mache ich Suchmaschinenoptimierung. Jeder will die Suche bei Google optimieren. Durch unsere SEO Consulting versteht man schnell, was «Google optimiert» bedeutet.
Profitieren Sie vom SEO Optimierung Angebot unserer online Marketing Agentur Zürich. Für Suchmaschinenoptimierung Erklärung sowie Suchmaschinenoptimierung Tipps und Tricks erwartet gerne unser SEO Spezialist Ihren Anruf.
Ein SEO Experte ist einfach ein Suchmaschinenoptimierung Anbieter. Was ist nämlich seine online Marketing Strategie? Es geht um die Google Seite 1 Platzierung. Jede digital Marketing Agentur versucht, Ihre Homepage bei Google auf Seite 1 zu ranken.
Hier kann man lesen, wie ein SEO Experte 1. Seite erreicht.
Cinzia Germann
SEO Expertin, Ihre digital Marketing Managerin
Cinnix GmbH
Höhenweg 2b
8834 Schindellegi SZ
+41 055 589 67 57
Online Marketing Agentur Zürich spezialisiert auf professionelle Suchmaschinenoptimierung für kleine Unternehmen.
Wie funktioniert SEO Optimierung und warum ist Suchmaschinenoptimierung wichtig – das erfahren Sie vom SEO Experte.
Möchten Sie das Google Ranking erhöhen? Ein Anruf reicht, um die Google Suche zu optimieren.